WeLcome to community eod data hub

Launching in 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…

We’d like to welcome everyone to the official launch of Community EOD Data Hub. We’d especially like to thank everyone who supported us throughout our BETA test, and suggested ways to improve The Hub. We appreciated everyone’s patience while we upgraded many features for the official launch. As The Hub relies on crowdsourced data and feedback, the community at large relies on your help and contributions.

NEW and upgraded Features

We’d like to give everyone a quick tour of the upgrades we’ve made to The Hub since the completion of the BETA test. The new features were suggested by Community EOD Data Hub users, and if you have suggestions for future upgrades, please reach out to our team at Deep Analytics.


Recent Activity Gallery

On our homepage, we’ve added a gallery of the most recently uploaded media. Now you can immediately see the newest ordnance uploaded by Community EOD Data Hub users. Click any of the images to help identify the components, or to just take a closer look.


Leaderboard by Individual

We’ve upgraded the leaderboard on the main page of the site to show the top scoring users, their affiliated organizations, and their total scores. Just a heads up, we cleared all of the points accrued during the BETA test period, so everyone gets a fresh start.


Leaderboard by organization

In addition to the improved leaderboard for individual high scores, we’ve added a leaderboard for top scoring organizations. Even if you’re not an individual high scorer, your score will count towards your organization’s ranking. This leaderboard has also been reset so everyone starts with a clean slate.


Upcoming events and features


Upcoming contests

To celebrate the official launch of Community EOD Data Hub we will be hosting a series of contests. The winners will receive free tee shirts, which have quickly become a fan favorite. Contests won’t officially begin until next week, but as an early subscriber you can get a head start. On Friday, August 19th the user who has uploaded the most images will win a free tee shirt. Even if you don’t win the first contest, keep checking back for future contests.


Ordnance found in the field in ukraine

Deep Analytics’ Co-Founder, Gregory Hewitt has been working closely with Bomb Techs Without Borders and OSU Institute for Global Explosive Hazard Mitigation, turning videos of ordnance captured in the field in Ukraine into 3D models. These models will be used as training tools for future bomb techs. Greg has turned fifty videos into 3D models so far. We’ll be posting those models on The Hub in batches since the files are so large. Keep checking back into The Hub to view and label them.


Please contact Deep Analytics if you have questions or comments about Community EOD Data Hub.