We’ve got a bunch of cool stuff for you to check out this month. We’ve shared more details about a major labeling upgrade that’s almost ready for beta testing. We’ve got a new Challenge Photo. We also have a bunch of resources for new subscribers to get them started on The Hub.

As always, thank you for being part of EOD Data Hub. As Community EOD Data Hub relies primarily on crowd sourced data, the participation of Hub members is critical. Keep up the good work uploading and labeling images.


We’re streamlining the labeling process to save you time and increase accuracy

The team at Deep Analytics has been working on a bunch of updates to improve the functionality of The Hub and make it easier to use. One of the biggest changes in the works is to the labeling process when you upload photos. In the near future it will no longer be necessary to draw a bounding box around each target (e.g., ordnance) and select an appropriate label from the list. Instead, Deep Analytics has developed an AI model that will automatically select and label ordnance within each upload. The labels will be approved by later users to ensure everything gets labeled correctly. This will make the uploading and labeling process significantly faster, particularly for users uploading multiple images at a time. Of course, hand labeling is still an option if you prefer it, or upload something truly unique.

"Hand labeling data has always been a tedious task and at times feels like a downright waste of time. This makes crowd sourcing labels from the EOD community particularly challenging, as very few people are willing to label data for free. The Hub’s new automatic annotation pipeline aims to alleviate this problem by training an ML model to suggest new labels for images uploaded to the hub. It would be unwise to trust the ML model completely, so we've added in few new features which seek user feedback to correct it when it gets something wrong," explained Isaac Padberg, one of Deep Analytics’ engineers working on The Hub.

We talk a lot about how important crowd sourced data is for the success of The Hub, and this upgrade is a great example. Object detection models require huge amounts of data to yield accurate results. All of the photos updated to The Hub so far made up a sizable portion of the photos used to create the object detection tool. User feedback and corrections will also increase our object detection accuracy over time.

If you’d like early access to try out this tool, please sign up for beta testing below.

Beta Testers Needed

We’re still looking for beta testers to test out the host of new features we’ve mentioned below. We rely on user feedback to develop the most useful features possible, so if you think you might be interested in trying out new features and giving us feedback, follow the link below to sign up.

If you’d like more information before officially signing up, please complete the form and indicate that you’d like more information before signing up in the comments box. We are more than happy to address any of your questions or concerns.


Deep Analytics has been working hard on many new and updated features for The Hub. There’s a mix of upgrades based on user feedback, and cool, completely new features. These features are summarized below.


Improved Lexicon for Both IEDs and Ordnance

We’ve gotten a lot of requests for an updated lexicon, and we think we’ve finally developed something everyone can agree on and find useful. We’ve also updated component labels and streamlined the labeling process.


Automated Labeling Powered by AI

One of our priorities with the new version of The Hub was to make it easier to use, so we’ve integrated AI to streamline the labeling process. When you upload a photo, AI will provide a suggested starting label(s) for the explosive hazards in the photo. End users can easily edit these suggested labels to provide more detail.


AI Enabled Easier User Feedback

The AI we’ve used to help label incorporates user feedback to increase its accuracy in the future. The process is quick and user-friendly. More importantly, the more you use The Hub, the more accurate the AI algorithms will become.


Community EOD Data Hub, Now on Your Device

This is a big one. You can now access The Hub from virtually anywhere using your mobile device. The new mobile site has all of the features of main site, except manual labeling, which we purposefully omitted because it would be unwieldly on a smaller screen. Now you can use The Hub to upload threats and look up information in real time, when and where you need it most.


Each month we select the most interesting recently uploaded image as a “Challenge Photo.”

Click the link below to see how many components you can label.

Thank you, Reid Graves, for submitting this month’s Challenge Photo.


We’re looking for new challenge photos.

As we’ve said many times before, The Hub relies on crowdsourced data. We provide prizes to users who upload the image we use as Challenge Photos in our monthly newsletters.

To enter, all you have to do is upload images. If your image is chosen as the “Challenge Photo” in our next newsletter, we’ll send you a $20 Amazon gift card.


New Spot the AI Data Set

If you haven’t already played it, Spot the AI is part of an IWTSD project that focuses on using AI to generate realistic images of IED components, IEDs, and ordnance.
The testing is a fun and simple game. You’ll be presented with two images of ordnance, and you just choose which images are fake – could be one of the images, both, or neither. Be careful. This image collection is tricky. There are images of real and fake devices pasted onto a variety of backgrounds. 

You can play the game as many times as you like. If you get an especially low score (0 is a perfect score in this case) send Morgan (Morgan.Glines@deepanalyticsllc.com) a screen shot, and Deep Analytics will send $20 Amazon cards to the lowest scoring participants when we send out our next newsletter.

Click the link below to play:


A quick labeling review.

While he Hub’s improved lexicon for labeling threats will soon be rolled out to everyone, The Hub currently uses the WTI Lexicon. Take a moment to review the WTI lexicon if you need a refresher.


How to use The Hub.

The Hub has gotten a lot of new users in the past few weeks, and to help them get started, we’re re-posting this quick video tutorial on how to upload and tag images on The Hub. We hope it will be useful to our new users, and a good refresher for anyone else.

Click the button below for our quick start guide: